Alysia Wood The Shut Up Song

The Shut Up Song

Posted in Media, News, Video on Saturday, February 28th, 2009 at 10:30 am No Comments

The Shut Up Song

My friend, J Chris Newberg, recently made a video and was cool enough to throw me in. Here’s his note about it:

Having some fun with my flip cam, I decided to finally do a video for my Shut
Up Song. I basically filmed a whole bunch of great comics and comedic
actors in Los Angeles. It was fun and if I shot you, you are in it.
Maybe for a 1/2 second… but you are in there. Thank you so much for
doing it. Didn’t get everyone I wanted, but I got a lot of great
stuff.. In my opinion, A lot of the people in this video are the next
wave of comics that will actually get there. Maybe I’m right, check
back in a few and see.
J Chris Newberg, Los Angeles

Check his stuff out on Youtube, facebook and twitter, etc.

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